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Monday, June 13, 2011


In the past I have made an effort to post challenges for each of us on this competition site.  I will continue to do this.. but PLEASE comment... when I don't get comments I start to get burn out and feel like my effort is in vain!! 
Your first challenge is something you can do for yourself OR it can be a blog entry on your weight loss blog... (in fact.. if you don't want to share it for the world to see... compose it on your blog and just save it to your archives!)  There are a couple components to this.  If you've done this challenge before... DO IT AGAIN!!  It's amazing how things change, and priorities change with them! :)
FIRST... make a list of your long term goals. Really.. write them down.. why are you here? What are you hoping to accomplish? NEXT...write down your "list of excuses"; EVERYTHING that has ever got in the way of your success. This could be pivotal... if you are able to write down why you "can't" and can SEE it... it's easier to figure out how to overcome it.
Last, set new goals to help you achieve your long term ones.
I think that realizing just how many of my "roadblocks" were actually just an excuse CHANGED MY LIFE!! Sometimes we have to sacrifice to get what we really want out of life. This could mean you wake up earlier, go to bed late, or something in between. It might mean you need to ask for help from others... but, anything is possible.
 Bottom line... your challenge for the week is to:
Face your excuses head on and determine how you are going to take control of your health and your life.
Good luck to all of you! You are your greatest ally and your most fierce enemy. Don't stand in the way of your success.


Spar-Mar Girl said...

You sound like my therapist! And I mean that in the most complimentary way!!!!

Dani said...

My Challenge. 1. why I am here. I am here like everyone is, to lose weight and keep it off. 2. I am hoping to accomplish my weight loss goal of being in the healthy BMI. For me that means under 150. I was thinking about being around 145 or 140. I hope I can knock this weight off by the end of the competition. We shall see. EXCUSES. 1. Boyfriend has a job that is physical exercise for 12 hour days, so when he gets home he is very tired and doesnt want to go to gym. Well I just want to see him and spend time with him! Not good. 2. It's getting to be summer and when I get off work it is the hottest part of the day, too hot to run outside. 3. My leg muscle has been having problems. So it makes it hurt when I run and makes it harder to run. 4. I really love my dessert.
New Goals. 1. I am working on going to the gym alone. It sucks but I need this for me. 2. DEAL WITH IT. 3. go to massuse and get work done, and remember to ice ice ice! 4. I have been doing a thing where I ask myself 3 times if I REALLY want it. And spread them out over several minutes. "Do I really want this skinny cow Ice cream sandwich? NO.." Or I pour some Mio into my water to sweeten it.

Bonnie said...

Thanks for giving me something to blog about! XXOO and miss you even more :)

Mindy said...

totally havn't done this but I LOVE This challenge. I need to get on the stick and write some stuff down. :0) I'm sure i'll share some of it soon!!!

Debi said...

Kari I do want to lose this weight to feel better about me. I have had many ups and downs but my biggest down right now is my job which I am trying to change. I want to set a goal to lose all the weight and exercise to feel better then have atummy tuck and a boob job. I need help to set a plan in place for the exercise and diet so I will need your help to give me ideas I can do to tone up my butt and not have it sag as my weight drops. HELP mom

Jessica B said...

I will do this for my first Blog for July. Maybe this will help me pull my head out of my ass and get somehting POSITIVE going. I have spent way to much time wallowing in the mud.