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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Challenge Number 3

Hi all!! This weekend has been slightly insane for me. Hope you have all had a little less chaos than I! ;o)
I am sure you all wonder where I come up with this stuff. Honestly... I try to create challenges that will help you be successful in your goals. This week, your challenge is to:
Keep a food journal!
Really, truly, write it all down. Every bite of everything you eat. No one is grading you or judging you, but SOMETIMES, seeing it all written down can help you figure out what changes you can make in order to be more successful in accomplishing your goals. ALSO.. if you are willing to write it all down and would like some input about it... you can email it to me and I can help you tweek your diet. :o) Either way.. GOOD LUCK THIS WEEK!! Remember that we don't gain the weight over night and surely we can't expect to lose it over night. ;o) Keep working at it. 5 lbs a month is 60 lbs in a year! You CAN do it...


Robyn said...

A food journal was a MUST for me when I first started my weight loss journey in October 2008. I wrote down everything and still do most days. It really helps me focus and try to get my food groups in for the day.

Michelle said...

I hate food journals. they make me really look at what I'm eating. But it has been a "have to" or I sneak a bite a lick and a taste everywhere every day.