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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Challenge Number 4

Can you believe weigh in is Wednesday? SO INSANE!!!  So this is your challenge at least until Wednesday:
Be PERFECT at whatever it is you are doing!! 
 If you are doing weight watchers, track points, measure portions, do everything perfectly!!  If you are doing no sugar NO SUGAR.  Ideally you all entered this thing with a plan, so reevalute that plan and DO IT!!!  Can't wait to see the results on Wednesday!!  Good luck all!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

hmmm...I need to read posts sooner. I was just thinking about how having a crazy schedual makes it hard for me to eat well. So today I ate bread. Bread is on my list of this to not eat. I rationalized it as either I eat the bread or I don't eat. I took the lesser of the two evils and ate the bread. So, once again I prove I am not perfect. Thanks for helping me see that.