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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Emotional Trigger

Hmm.. this isn't technically a Nutrition tip but I found it and could totally relate so... here is your daily something for today!
Researchers at George Washington University discovered that people who successfully transform their bodies are set in action by some sort of “emotional trigger” that helps to clarify their reasons for deciding to make change. In the study, researchers found that any event which elicited strong emotions such as alarm, embarrassment, shame and/or fear actually inspired people to transform their bodies for the better. Take a moment to consider your “emotional trigger” and use it to stay committed to your nutrition program.
So, what's your emotional trigger? Do you have one? My emotional trigger is truly what made this time different. It was my EMOTIONS that helped me stick to it. I was DETERMINED to FINISH THIS!! Determined to make permanent changes. Determined to be better for my children. Determined to prove to myself and my hubby that I REALLY COULD FOLLOW THROUGH! Finish what you start... those 4 words are what got me here. This journey has proven to me that I CAN stick to things... next stop... nursing school! ;o)


Kim said...

I think a lot of us felt the same emotion. Determination to FINALLY change. At least I know I did. =)

Pitbull said...

I'm sooo with you on that one Kari! I've started soooo many things, and NEVER finish! The last time I ever finished was 9 years ago when I quit smoking! Oddly enough...that's when I gained my 60lbs that Iwould yo-yo with for the next 9 years...until I was up to 210lb (70lbs overweight)! It's time to prove I CAN finish this again...and stick to it! Thanks for sharing.